Spot League Details
Spot League registration is open! Please email or text Kim Audus at or 605-370-7237 with the name of your team as well as each shooter’s first and last name.
If you need a partner let us know and we will connect you with someone. You can stop out Wednesday nights to sign up during the month of November or 8-2 on Saturday December 9th during work party and swap meet. PLEASE make sure to have your team's name when you sign up.
Spot League will begin Thursday, January 4th, 2024, and will run each week (on Thursday) for 12 consecutive weeks ending March 21st, 2024.
The logistics:
· All participants need to be current paid-up members of the Minnehaha Archers Inc.
· The cost is $40 per shooter, and you will be required to be paid up before first night of league. The money must be paid by January 4th, 2024. Cash, check or MAI bucks are welcome.
· Our league uses teams of 2 shooters.
· Shooting will start at 6:30 pm with a double line. Rotation facilitated by a shot clock.
· First 6 weeks will be shot on a VEGAS target (colored)
o The Vegas Round is a 360-point shoot with 3 arrows per end, 4 ends to a game and 3 games for the round for a total of 36 arrows.
· Last 6 weeks will be shot on a NFAA target (blue).
o The NFAA Round is a 360-point shoot with 5 arrows per end, 4 ends to a game and 3 games for the round for a total of 60 arrows. In this round each “X” is scored as 6 points (instead of 5).
· You are allowed to step down in equipment but not up. You can go from bowhunter to bare bow but not the other way.
· Teams will be allowed to maintain 2 banked scores for nights they are unable to attend. Teams can shoot their banked scores on Wednesday night and turn in to the Range Captain running open night. Banked Vegas scores don’t carry over to NFAA rounds and Banked NFAA scores can’t be used during Vegas rounds.
· Spot League scores and subsequent updates to rankings will be posted following each Thursday night. Scores not turned in prior to league with no banked score will count as a zero.
· Each week, each team has the opportunity to win 4 games. Each game won is a payback.
· Half of the money collected (from registration fees) will be used as pay back for the league.
· Special awards will be presented for:
o Most Improved Archer
o Most Improved Team
o High Individual Average
o High Team Average
o High Team Score
· Payback will be distributed (in cash) at the MAI banquet held in April. All payback not collected by the end of April 2024 will be donated back to the club.
· Weather cancellation:
o Teams will be allowed until the next Thursday to shoot or advise they would like to use one of their banked scores.
Questions? Call or email Kim Audus