- NEW Youth membership (17 yrs. and under)
- Fee is $60.00 for the yearly membership plus a one-time $10.00 fee for Indoor Range access key-card (refundable).Total Membership Cost w/Key-Card $70.00
- NEW Adult Single membership (18 yrs. and over)
- - Fee is $130.00 for the yearly membership plus a one-time $10.00 fee for Indoor Range access key-card (refundable).
Total Membership Cost w/Key-Card $140.00
- NEW Family membership
- - Fee is $150.00 for the yearly membership plus the $10.00 fee for Indoor Range access key-card (refundable).
Total Membership Cost w/Key-Card $160.00
Additional key-cards are available for $10.00.
NOTE: When paying Online via PayPal, there will be a $5.00 charge.-
This fee is applicable only when making online payments via PayPal.- cash or check payment doesn't include that fee.
Please direct any questions you have about Membership to: Membership@Minnehaha-Archers.comand we'll answer as soon as possible.
Cost of Annual Membership renewal does not include the refundable charge of $10 for the key-card(s).
- Youth yearly membership (17 yrs. and under) - Fee is $60.00.
- Adult Single yearly membership (18 yrs. and over) - Fee is $130.00.
- Family yearly membership - Fee is $150.00.
Additional key-cards are available for $10.00.
NOTE: When paying Online via PayPal, there will be a $5.00 charge.-
This fee is applicable only when making online payments via PayPal.- cash or check payment doesn't include that fee.
We'll try to send a "reminder" email at the beginning of each month to those members who need to renew in that month.
Please make an effort to reply to those reminders. When we don't get a reply, then we assume that
you are not going to renew and your card gets deactivated after a short period of time.
We pay $5.12 per individual member and $12.80 per Family membership a year for liability insurance. thanks.
Please direct any questions about Membership to:
Indoor Range access is granted with a magnetic key-card. You have 24/7 shooting access with very rare exceptions(see Note below).
- The last person to leave the building is responsible to turn off the lights and make sure the door closes securely.
- Targets are 50 cents a piece and are the higher quality paper targets that are indeed a little more expensive, but they are worth it.
- Payment for targets is on an "honor" system, so be "honorable" when taking a new target.
- NOTE: There are some times that are not available for "open" or casual shooting. This is an extremely rare event. The only time when the key-card entry system is deactivated is when the indoor range is set up for a 3D event or when we host a major NFAA or SDAA indoor tournament. This is perhaps 1 to 2 weekends a year. When other activities are underway, usually there is the ability for a member to shoot along with the other shooters.
When a member swipes or scans his/her key card, a computer registry of the date and time is recorded.
- There are numerous high-definition, digital motion-sensing security cameras mounted for full visualization of the indoor range. This is for your safety and to protect your investment in this club. It is not to spy on members.
- If vandalism occurs it is an easy matter to match time and date stamps on the DVR recordings and the key-card access system and figure out who is doing what. This is a volunteer club and it is as much yours as it is anyone Else's. Treat it like your home.
- Find something you can do EACH TIME you visit the range that makes it a little better before you leave. Even picking up a piece of stray wrapper or picking up shot-up targets will make a difference.
- Accidental arrows into the back wall, etc happen. However, wanton vandalism and purposeful destruction of club property has zero tolerance and will result in immediate revocation of your key-card access and forfeiture of your membership.
- Safety is paramount at the range and if someone is behaving in an unsafe manner, let one of the other Board members know immediately.
and if someone is behaving in an unsafe manner, let one of the other Board members know immediately. - Please use the large blue RECYCLING bin for used paper targets and tin cans and plastic bottles. We can do our part to recycle.

Broadheads are allowed at the broadhead sight on the range next to the parking area at the outdoor range.
Broadheads are NOT allowed on any other areas of the outdoor or indoor ranges.
The Outdoor RangeOur 40 acre outdoor range, is located at the base of the Great Bear Recreation area, features both a 10 yard to 80 yard sight in range and walk thru shooting course.
The sight-in range is set-up with a 20-30-40-50-60-70-80 yard targets.
The sight in range is also equipped with lighting, so the possibility of an evening shoot event is in the planning stages.
- Around the hill, the walk thru shooting course consist of 28 stations, featuring both Target and 3-D / Field Staked Range.
The course extends through the rolling oak covered hillside and features a variety of shot angles and difficulties for all abilities. Many of the target areas feature both a block target and a 3D target to shoot at your discretion.
- The outdoor range is open to members 7 days a week from April 1 (weather permitting) to October 31st (weather permitting).
- The outdoor range is available exclusively to club members Monday - Friday.
- Public (non-member) shooting at the Outdoor range is available on Wednesday evenings from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. for a nominal $5 per person fee. A Club board member is available during that time to answer questions and assist shooters.
- To comply with the Pittman-Roberts funding mandates, we must offer the range for public use (for a fee) during a portion of the week, this period of time will be over the weekend for $10.00 daily shooting fee, paid at the pay-post located on top of the hill.
- During the week, the gate will be padlocked with a combination lock, which is changed each spring and the code is given out at the annual Spring general membership meeting. Combinations are also posted on the bulletin board at the indoor range that you retrieve with your paid membership or renewal and a active membership card. Members will be given the combo and it will be the responsibility for the member to lock the gate behind them as they enter and leave.
- Please close the gate and twirl the lock combination when entering or exiting the range, even when other members are using the range. The gate may be left open during scheduled events and on the weekends when it is open for public use.
- During the winter the outdoor range is closed.
- Come to the indoor range on Weds nights (October-April) and the outdoor range (April-October) or at a general membership meeting to pick up your outdoor range pass and lock combination.
Note: It is important to line up the numbers on the upper line (of the padlock), not in the middle of the combo.
It is fully anticipated that a member will occasionally want to bring a guest out to the range for some shooting.
- I would encourage members to bring their kids and their kid's friends out and get them involved in archery and not worry about paying extra fees for the kids.
- Adult guests are welcome anytime also; we would ask that you please pay $5.00 in the target bin (wall deposit slot is next to the office) for an adult guest shooting fee similar to a Wednesday night guest fee.
- If your guest wishes to purchase a membership, they can do it following this link, or please have them come in on Wednesday nights between 6pm and 9pm or go to Sioux Falls Scheels customer service desk to get a membership application filled out and a key-card.
- Your membership key-card is not a free pass for your friends to shoot at our range.
- We encourage guests and hope that they also will become members, in the meantime, please respect the other member's investment in their membership and have your guest pay to shoot.