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Minnehaha Archers, Inc
Minnehaha Archers, Inc
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 10

Instructor and Coach Certification Program

Archery Instructors and Coaches are the foundation of USA Archery's programs, camps and the athlete development pipeline. Obtaining a certification not only provides you with valuable knowledge and hands-on skills, but also boosts the marketing value of your program.
USA Archery, the National Field Archery Association and the Archery Shooters Association jointly recognize all certification level.

Minnehaha Archers, Inc. Coaches amp Instructors Listing

JOAD Minnehaha Archers
Instructor Certification Class for USA Archery Level 1 and 2

Class Information

Instructors: Minnehaha Archers Inc. Level 3 USA Archery coaches Matt Schrader, Brian Klatt and Jack Moulton.

Date /Time:  Date for next class to be determined

Participants: Classes are open to members and non-members.


Location: Classes will be held at the Minnehaha Archers Inc. Indoor Range located at:

5108 N. Harvestore Road, Sioux Falls, SD 57107.

Level 1 Requirements:
Minnehaha Archers members: TBD
Non-members: TBD
Coaches must be at least 15 ye:ars old
Membership to USA Archery (To coach for Minnehehaha Archers JOAD)
SafeSport (online) training
Background check(Online)
For more information about Level 1 coaching visit Level-1

Level 2 Requirements:
Minnehaha Archers members: TBD
Non-members: TBD
Coaches must be at least 18 years old
Membership to USA Archery (To coach for Minnehehaha Archers JOAD)
SafeSport (online) training
Background check (Online)
For more information about Level 2 coaching visit Level-2


Individuals who participate and become Level 1 and Level 2 Coaches will be certified to teach and coach USA Archery programs, including JOAD. Minnehaha Archers JOAD coaches who volunteer their time during a JOAD session receive $5 credit for each class during which he/she coaches which can be applied towards JOAD session fees or towards club membership dues.

Parents of current Minnehaha JOAD students are encouraged to become Level 1 and/or Level 2 coaches. The more coaches we have the better we can teach our kids to help them to improve and advance their archery skills with more 1 on 1 time. Parents who coach and shoot with their children at hosted shoots and tournaments bring a new aspect of fun to the sport. There is no requirement for coaches to attend every class during an 8 week session nor must coaches participate in every session. Coaches also have first preference when registering their children in JOAD session classes.
interested individuals, please email and provide basic information and Certification Level preference ( 1 or 2).